Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a tough decision.
today i had to make one of the toughest decisions i have ever made in a long long while. i think it's a decision most people would find easy but in this situation it was incredibly hard. today i submitted my two weeks notice to the company that has been so good to me. i was very open with my boss the whole time i had been thinking about it. the problem is, is that the company i work for is only working out of town for the most part from here on out. with jess being pregnant and us having a kid in 6 months i need to be in town working. i had a HUGE fear of coming off as ungrateful or disrespectful. i think in the end i went about things properly and made the right decision for me. i am very sad that i won't be able to continue on building bars. it was an amazing three years and i owe so much to the people who helped me along the way and gave me the opportunities to do some work that most never will. so to all the great friends i have made along the way i hope we stay in touch. to my bosses who will probably never read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I admire you for being a family man. A lot of guys would choose the money and career over their families and I commend you for putting Jess & bean first, while still making sure you are employed and supporting them. Love you!

  2. I second Sarah's sentiments, as I told you the other day. Travelling and being out of town is no way to start a married life and a family. I know how hard the decision was for you to make, and I'm very proud of you. Love you lots. You're going to be an amazing father!
